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  • UMass PT

How to Motivate Yourself to Workout

Whether you are an expert lifter or a beginner, sometimes it is hard to motivate yourself to workout, especially when exams pile up and time is scarce. Fortunately you are not alone, and there are some tricks that might help you get in the groove!

Commit with some friends

We can promise ourselves we will find time to go to that Spin class all we want, but sometimes the push we need is some healthy peer pressure. Studies show that you are more likely to follow through a plan if you commit with your friends. In addition, it is a lot more fun to workout with a good company rather than all alone!

Get two things done at once

How nice would it be if you could multitask while working out? Well, ever thought about watching your favorite shows while walking on the treadmill, or reading over your notes while biking? This way you would be able to watch the episode you were pushing back until late at night while getting a workout in, leaving you more time during the day for other tasks. Think of this as a treat, since you went all the way to the gym now you get to watch your favorite show!

Pick your best outfit

Leave the house with your best gym outfit, so after your classes you will feel extra motivated to hit the gym and show off! Having to carry around an extra bag, or heading back to your room just to get ready for the gym is definitely a mood killer, next time try to get your day started with your favorite gym clothes and you will for sure feel like hitting a quick workout.

So grab your best friend, your favorite show, and your freshest outfit and get excited about going to the gym! Remember working out should not feel like a task, but a treat for yourself to live your healthiest life.


University of Massachusetts Amherst

161 Commonwealth Avenue, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003

UMass Campus Recreation


Gaia Daelli

UMass Personal Trainer

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