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  • UMass PT

Find Your Fit

Updated: Mar 22, 2019

Whether its transitioning to college, new years resolution, or summer approaching:

starting a fitness program can be very scary as a beginner who knows very little about fitness. Many people fear the idea of walking into a gym and having no idea of where to begin. The truth of the matter is it doesn’t have to be feared! There are lots of people and things at the gym that can provide you with the needed knowledge and support.

Get a workout buddy: Finding a friend who has past experience working out and who knows their way around the gym can be a great place to start. This also makes finding the time to workout easier as it can also be a part of your social life. Having a buddy can keep you motivated to stick to your workout plan because you are not only bailing on yourself, but also them.

Try a workout class: Gyms offer lots of different types of group fitness classes that are both fun and beneficial. These classes can be strength based (total body burn, 30 min abs), cardio based (spin,treadmill based), or a combo of both (bootcamp, cardio kickboxing). These classes can teach you new moves that you can take and incorporate into your own workouts. You are motivated to not give up by the other participants of the class. Fun playlists and a positive environment make the duration of the workout fly by! You also have access to knowledgeable instructors to help you learn the correct form of the movements.

Internet: There are lots of free apps like Sworkit and Nike Training Club that provide you with timed workouts that can be performed with little equipment. There is also lots of free workout videos similar to group fitness classes available on youtube. This option is very affordable and requires no gym, however you do not get professional feedback.

Hire a trainer: Most gym memberships come with a free personal training assessment to help with equipment orientation. This can help you become more comfortable with the machines in the gym , and give you an idea of how beneficial a trainer can be. Personal trainers can safely and effectively help you begin your fitness journey and reach your fitness goals. Having appointments scheduled for your workouts makes it harder for you to fall through with your journey.


University of Massachusetts Amherst

161 Commonwealth Avenue, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003

UMass Campus Recreation


Steph Gauthier

UMass Personal Trainer

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