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  • UMass PT

Muscular Endurance Vs. Muscular Strength

What is the best training method? This is an age old question that commonly depends on someones individual fitness goals. However, muscular endurance and muscular strength are both equally important training methods that should be included in everyones traditional fitness routines.

Whats the difference between Muscular Strength Training vs.Muscular Endurance Training?

Muscular Strength Training commonly will train to failure (the inability to do another repetition) about 3 sets of 4-8 repetitions with up to 3 minutes of rest time.

Muscular Endurance Training also trains to the point of failure using about 3 sets of 15-25 repetitions with only about 30 seconds to 1 minutes of rest time.

These are just two examples of the sets, rep ranges, and rest times that can be used for these 2 styles of training. All of the variables can be manipulated however someone would like, in order to the fit within their workout routine.

The Facts:

Both styles of training are very important to incorporate in your workout routine but they do have difference when it comes to the positive results associated with them. Muscular Strength Training is known is increase lean body mass faster than Muscular Endurance Training over an 8 week period. Also, Muscular Strength Training can improve mood, decrease body fat, and decrease likely hood of heart disease and cancer.

On the other hand, Muscular Endurance Training also shows an increase in lean body mass within 8 weeks of training and improves heart health more efficiently than Muscular Strength Training. Muscular Endurance Training takes less time as well as the rest times between sets are typically shorter than rest times used by Muscular Strength Training. Lastly, Muscular Endurance Training offers improved mood, mental health, ability to lose weight, and improved sleep patterns.

Check out the links below to read peer reviewed studies discussing Muscular Endurance Training Vs. Muscular Strength Training.

University of Massachusetts Amherst

161 Commonwealth Avenue, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003

UMass Campus Recreation


Rory McMahon

UMass Personal Trainer/ Programming Assistant

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