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  • UMass PT

Spot Training

A common question that new exercisers will ask is what exercises are effective for losing weight in certain areas, such as the abdomen or arms. The truth about this is that you cannot use specific exercises to target fat reduction in specific areas. The fat that is used for energy comes from wherever it is most readily available, not what areas of the body you are working. For example, doing abdomen exercises will not necessarily lead you to lose belly fat.

To effectively lose weight the body must decrease the total body fat percentage by being in calorie deficit. This means that you must expend more calories than you consume overtime in order to lose weight. Some adequate styles of exercise for weight loss include strength training, cardio, and high intensity interval training. Nutrition also plays a large role in successful weight loss. At the end of the day you can never out exercise a bad diet.


University of Massachusetts Amherst

161 Commonwealth Avenue, University of Massachusetts Amherst, MA 01003

UMass Campus Recreation


Ashley Onofaro

UMass Personal Trainer

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